How to use essential oil basics

Well, this week has been interesting! And very trying for everyone indeed! I had a different presentation planned for this post but I want to offer some survival tips since this COVID-19 outbreak is on the loose.

I’ve owned a horse farm for many years, and anyone who has horses will understand, anything can happen at any time and we must be prepared for all scenarios! If we have learned one thing this week, toilet paper is really important…all kidding aside, when you go through a crisis the critical needs become crystal clear like fine diamonds.

Like everyone else I’m always trying to improve upon efficient knowledge so I don’t personally FREAK OUT. So, I will try to keep this as simple as I can with new things and basic knowledge.

  1. Regular bar soap (the old fashioned kind) or Castile soap breaks apart viruses and other germs if you hand wash for at least 20 seconds under running water. It splits the outer envelope or virus casing and destroys it. This has been clinically proven.

  2. Iodine infused scrubs do a slightly better job than soap at sanitizing such as Betadine we use in our barns. A form of iodine scrubs are used in surgery prep. This has been proven.

  3. Always have on hand 2 weeks of food, water or access to water, medications, vitamin and mineral supplements you and your pets take.

  4. Always have soap. You can wash your hair or clothes with soap if need be. Lip balm and hand lotion are luxuries if you have them but olive oil or cooking oil works too.

  5. Always have a First Aid Kit with core essential oils (see below list) and gauze bandages with vet wrap (I don’t know what the human version is called, Co-flex? It is the same thing). Medical gloves, alcohol, peroxide, triple antibiotic cream are good to have along with Iodine scrub.

  6. To disinfect surfaces use rubbing alcohol, or Distilled water with Tea Tree Oil, or Vodka, or vinegar, of course soap and water can be used. Apparently copper sulfate used in horsemanship has many uses that I have not explored thoroughly yet.

  7. STAY CALM, be nice. Let the immune compromised people use the medical professionals who are already working to their limits. Good Horsemen and kind people always let the critical cases get treated first.

Here are the core essential oils I use and keep on hand at all times at my house and for my barn:

Lavender - antiseptic, antidepressant, sedative, immune support, prevents scars, mood stabilizer, wound healing (This one I use for calming horses and it has been proven in studies with horses for that purpose, although I think it is banned in most competitions.)

  • for staying calm when inhaled

  • helps with sleep while diffused

  • bug bites or mosquito bites, minor burns

Lemon - antiseptic, antibacterial

  • water purifier

  • insect bites and warts

  • tension headaches, may help with fatigue or tiredness

  • assists with digestion and reduces cellulite and toxins

Peppermint - anti-inflammatory, antiseptic (I will never ever be without this one for my horses! ASK ME!)

  • enhances breathing and respiratory system

  • helps circulation and digestion, flatulence

  • used commonly for headaches, migraines, fatigue

  • mouse and insect deterrent

Tea Tree (aka Melaleuca) - antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal (I have used twice before in diluted form in my balm recipe to remove ear plaques on horses.)

  • used for cleaning surfaces when diluted properly

  • in diluted preparations for acne, ringworm, athlete’s foot

  • has been used for periodontitis and toothache diluted properly

Contact us if you would like to learn more about the many uses for essential oils in your home or horse farm. Always consult your health professionals if you are unsure about possible medication interactions. Some essential oils are not safe for certain people with medical conditions or are pregnant, nursing, or very young children. There are many brands and levels of low to high quality of essential oils on the market. Please see our other posts for more information about choosing high quality essential oils and avoiding synthetic products or overpaying.

Stay safe!

These oils Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint and Tea Tree are the easiest basics to start learning with.

I teach classes about how to use essential oils safely and effectively along with overall wellness and stress prevention. Click below to be added to our subscribe list, ask any questions or sign up to learn more.