We recommend these products to begin your best life!

Group Wellness Coaching Events

Specific Group Solution Seminars - Inquire for price and topics

Special Group Overall Wellness Events/All day - $444 per person

Group Events are in person scheduled at specific locations.

Some private session package examples are listed below. Private sessions can be by telephone or through email. Fees do not include cost of suggested tools or recommendations of foods, body products, clothing, activities or hobbies. We offer real solutions for real people with real problems. It’s time to become your destiny.

Inquire about private wellness sessions or group events.  

Private Wellness Coaching Services

Single Session Examples $111 (1 session)

  • Resolve restless legs and get better sleep

  • Have less ear ringing

  • Alleviate pain such as sore tendons or muscles

  • Easier breathing in general

  • Boost my mood when I feel down

  • I feel stuck and don’t know what to do

one month package examples $444 (4 sessions)

  • Have clearer skin

  • Stronger fingernails

  • Thicker hair

  • Better teeth and mouth health

  • Look more professional for my job

  • Be less reactive to problems and people

three month package examples $1,111 (12 sessions)

  • Detoxify my eating routine and feel more energy to get things done

  • Detoxify my entire bathroom routine or cleaning routine

  • Have a more organized house or office and keep it that way

  • Feel more confident in my life activities and with friends

  • Increase motivation and productivity so I can have more “me time”

  • Be more focused and not feel so all-over-the-place and overwhelmed

Six month package examples $2,222 (24 sessions)

  • I want to lose weight and feel healthier

  • I need help exploring my personal wardrobe style for work or hobby

  • I want to quit drinking, overeating, or smoking

  • Find ways to alleviate overall chronic pain

  • Stop feeling negative, angry, or sad, demons are bothering me

  • Gain control over my current health issue

one year package examples $3,333 (48 sessions)

  • I want a different life since mine pretty much sucks

  • Make more money, better work environment, find a new job

  • I’d like to be healthier to participate in physical activities

  • Need to purge my belongings and start over, or identify cursed objects

  • Just want to feel more like myself with enjoyment of my purpose

  • Manage an ongoing chronic condition


Healthy As A Horse Living

Wellness Coaching Services

For Equestrian information please visit Bridleheart.
