How to Build Your Own Essential Oils Kit

Basic (beginner friendly) Essential Oils List

In my experience, these are the best essential oils to start learning with because they are very different from each other and you can get a feel for what they smell like and what the effect will be. As always, some essential oils are not for use during pregnancy, or around children and pets, please seek advice if you are unsure.

Alternative Kit (for sensitive people like me)

Advanced Essential Oils Kit

  • Rose - romantic floral, has the highest energetic frequency

  • Basil - cleansing and clarifying

  • Bergamot - citrus, hard to describe but a common favorite

  • Sage - earthy scent, may be useful for hormonal changes

  • Frankincense - woodsy scent, commonly used for thinking and meditation/prayer

Once you become familiar with the basic essential oils it’s fun to add new ones to your collection and learn as you go. When I first started over ten years ago the information was limited and now it seems overwhelming.

The Essential Blends

  • Tranquility - good sleep

  • Breathe Ease - breathing support

  • Citrus Blend - mood enhancement, brings a sense of happiness

  • Focusing - helps with distractions

  • Immune Strength - supports immune system

  • Purify - cleansing, freshens laundry

The blends are created for you to have an easy experience choosing what you need. There are unlimited possibilities, just start with what feels right to you and always follow dilution instructions keeping in mind your personal possible interactions and age appropriateness within your family.

Amy D. Richards