What are essential oils?

I started learning about essential oils in 2010 when one of my horses began to have health issues and behavioral problems.  It was unusual and confusing that the more I tried to train him the worse he seemed to get.  I have been involved with horses professionally for over 25 years and could not pin down what exactly this horse’s problem was.  Previously I had trained and retrained many difficult horses and ponies successfully. 

Over time the horse lost his sweet disposition.  He was stressed over nothing, sensitive to light, very spooky and overly reactive to sights and sounds.  He dropped a vast amount of weight and developed a dull dark coat.  Friends and professionals wondered why I chose not to put him down.  He was very difficult to handle, even just hand walking from the barn to the pasture would set him off.  

It has been a very long journey, and many hours were spent learning how to do things differently.  I am very happy to report the horse is doing well and 99% recovered today.  I’ve learned so much by researching nutrition and wellness.  One of the pieces to this puzzle for me was switching from chemical products to natural ones.  

Essential oils are the natural essence oils distilled (or pressed) from plants that gives them characteristic scents.  Some of the purposes are to induce relaxation, increase energy, or restore balance to the mind, body, and soul.  

I will be sharing a lot of information in future posts, but for now I encourage you to learn more about essential oils and the possibilities within your daily living. 

The quality of essential oils varies.  

“The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Neither Rocky Mountain Oils nor its products are intended for the purpose of diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease.”