Are essential oils safe?

Essential oils, like any other product in your home, should be carefully considered.  There are precautions we should take concerning essential oil safety in certain situations.  Not all essential oils are safe for all people or pets. 

Just a few considerations for humans are:

  • pregnancy, babies and small children

  • unknown possible allergies

  • health conditions

  • medications

  • vitamins

These and many other factors beyond the scope of this article must be discussed with your own medical professionals. 

Essential oil uses for humans may include diffusion, topical massage or soak, and household use.  I personally do not take essential oils internally nor do my pets.  I feel that an actual herb from your pantry or garden is a better option for ingestion.  Remember, essential oils are highly concentrated.  Consult an herbalist or medical professional about herbs. 

Learn more about essential oil safety here.  (PubMedHealth)

There are also safety considerations for our pets.  Again, not all essential oils are safe for all pets.  Essential oils may have effects on skin, eyes, internal organs and behaviors.  Ask your veterinarian about specific uses on your specific pets.  Veterinary professionals are well aware of potential issues and can advise you accordingly. 

Some considerations for pets are:

  • pregnancy

  • breed

  • nutrition, supplements

  • medications

  • health conditions

If you are considering use around animals consult your veterinarian.  Horses, cats, dogs, birds, fish, rodents and reptiles are sensitive to essential oils.  Some can be toxic.  Essential oil uses for pets may include inhalation, diffusion, or topically (diluted). 

Learn more about essential oils and pet safety for dogs here.  Information about cat safety with essential oils can be found here.  (PetPoisonHelpline)


Not all essential oils are created equally.  The quality of oils can vary greatly depending on the sources, farming practices and processes used.  

Dilute, Dilute Dilute!

Some essential oils companies sell pure 100% oils and some are already diluted for use.  You must check the description and directions for use.  If the company you are purchasing through does not have a clear description on the ingredient label choose a more reputable source.  If an oil seems too cheap to be true do not use it!  Good quality oils are expensive for good reason.  Do your research.  Essential oils are highly concentrated and must be diluted properly.  If you are unsure about how to do that consult a qualified aroma-therapist. 

Interactions with other substances such as shampoos and body products, scented laundry detergents on fabrics or clothing, or chemical products used in the home and outdoor landscaping can affect the safety of essential oils. 

Keep essential oils away from children, pets and guests in a locked and climate controlled space. 

A note for equestrian competitors:

If you are showing horses check with the rulebook of the governing body conducting the competition.  The testing at horse shows is extremely precise due to advances in technology of science.  Rulebooks include a section on “banned substances”.  This is very important and can affect the outcome of your performance.  If you are unsure about the rules of your sport do not use any fragrance or substance in question.  Consult your veterinarian and equestrian coach.  

In the pursuit of living healthier and happier while confronting chores and challenges, it is important to educate ourselves on the products we use. 


Disclaimer: The information presented on this website/seminar is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for veterinary advice or treatment of specific medical conditions. Discuss this information with your veterinarian and healthcare provider to determine what is right for you and your horse or pets.