Spiders in my car!

I've spent a lot of time the past couple of months building this website.  It has also been a rainy Spring.  Therefore, my time has mostly been spent indoors or in the barn on my property.  I didn't realize until I got in my car to go grocery shopping there were cobwebs all over the passenger seat, steering wheel and on top of the dashboard.  I wiped them off and continued about my day.  Not a big deal.  My car was parked in our garage.  

A few days later I went clothing shopping with a friend.  Again, the spider webs were all over the passenger seat.  It's not a problem to wipe off the cobwebs, but what if a spider crawled out onto my friend while she was riding in my car!  Eeek!  

As we were checking out at the register of the store I mentioned to my friend that I really needed to figure out a way to get rid of the spiders.  The checkout guy overheard me and said he would have to get rid of the car.  Immediately.   

I remembered in my essential oils training certification class that spiders may not care for peppermint oil and a few others.  I decided to give that a try and since the pollen was high I added lavender and lemon to my thoughts since my allergies were flaring up.  My husband does not tolerate smells in cars (it's a pet peeve of his) so I had to come up with a way to remove it if I wanted, not on the carpets or seats.  

My idea:

I put: 

I made 4 scented cotton balls total and put 1 under each seat.  


The next day I checked for spider webs and there were none!  It worked!  It's been almost a month and they haven't returned.  The best part is I can remove the cotton when my husband takes the car or I'm travelling with a guest.  

UPDATE:  This application lasted about four weeks.  It could also be used in closets, drawers or trunks.   

Some safety concerns with peppermint oil are; it is VERY strong so some people and animals may be sensitive to it.  Avoid using near babies and young children or while pregnant or lactating.  You could try just the lavender and lemon or orange is soothing and cheerful if you are pregnant or have infants or small children.  Be mindful with pets and remove if they need to travel with you in the car.    

β€œThe statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Neither Rocky Mountain Oils nor its products are intended for the purpose of diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease.”