Bug Repelling Essential Oils & Research Studies

Hello and welcome!  It is my pleasure to share my experiences with essential oils.  I first started researching about them when one of my horses became mysteriously "neurological".  That is a very long story for another time, for now I'm sharing the essential oils that repel insects and some research that has been done.  This information is intended to be educational.  When I searched this information in 2018 there were about 150 studies. An updated search in March 2020 showed over 20,000 essential oil studies! Below is only a small sampling.   

Several years ago I went on a quest to find more natural options for myself and my horses and pets.  I could not be around traditional chemical fly sprays without getting a headache, heart palpations, upset stomach, and sometimes tingling in my fingers (that can't be good!).  I live in the southeast where the bugs are large and annoying, and they bite!  Some carry diseases.  I soon discovered essential oils and was so relieved.  I started learning about and using them one oil at a time. They were so life changing in 2014 I decided to get an independent certification (not associated with any oil company) based out of England. I’ve made custom blends for each of my horses since 2011. Contact me below if you'd like more information about those classes.  This is just a list I compiled so you can see the studies on deterring bugs.  Even though good quality essential oils are “natural” keep in mind they are very powerful.  There are also safety concerns if you have health issues or are on medications so discuss with your medical team before using.  In no particular order here is the list:  

LEMONGRASS-stable fliesmosquitoes

GERANIUM-mosquitoes, ticks


EUCALYPTUS-mosquitoes, chiggers and mites

LEMON EUCALYPTUS-mosquitoes, ticks

LAVENDAR-ticks, mosquitoes



PEPPERMINT-house flies, mosquitoes, spiders

GINGER-house flies, mosquitoes

CINNAMON-house flies, mosquitoes

CLOVE-mosquitoes, chiggers

THYME-fleas, mosquitoes

TEA TREE-mosquitoes, chiggers

PATCHOULI-house flies

CYPRESS-fruit flies, house flies

Again, this is a sampling of essential oils that have been studied, they may repel other types of insects that were not in the studies.  I'm not advocating getting rid of insects entirely, the environment needs them and our chickens eat them too.  

BUG AWAY blend gets wonderful testimonials. Read about the dilution rates if you choose to educate yourself on that as well.  And here is some important information on essential oil safety around children.

Basic Bug Repellent Recipe

Contact me if you would like more information on specific safety concerns or custom equine recipes.

Keep in mind some essential oils may cause sensitivity if used topically and spot test on clothing.  A safe practice is to place a drop of diluted essential oil to a small area of skin such as the inside elbow.  Be aware of any adverse reactions for 24 hours.  

Disclaimer: The information presented on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical or veterinary advice or treatment of specific medical conditions. Discuss this information with your healthcare providers to determine what is right for you, your family and your pets.