Essential Oils for Headaches

There are many factors that can cause different types of headaches, but all of them are painful. Nothing ruins your day like throbbing in your head. Below is a list of possible causes of headaches and some essential oil suggestions that may help.

  • Tension headaches are usually caused by stress. Some oils that may alleviate tension headache pain are: Jasmine, Lavender, or Orange

  • Fatigue headaches may be eased with: Peppermint, Lemongrass, or Cypress

  • Sinus headaches can stem from allergies to pollutions or foods. Some oils that may clear sinus pain are: Basil, Rosemary, or Juniper

  • Low blood sugar or being over hungry (“hangry”) can cause brain fog with painful headaches. Try to plan your meals and healthy snacks before that happens. Some oils that may help stave off hunger are: Grapefruit, Bergamot, or Spearmint

  • For heavy duty migraines or cluster headaches some oils that may be helpful are: Ginger, Eucalyptus, or Chamomile along with any others listed above



Massage onto forehead, back of neck, or temples

Simply inhale by smelling open bottle


There are essential oil blends already prepared for use if you prefer to save some time or are not yet familiar with dilution rates. I love the roll-on blends for topical use!

If your headache worsens or pain persists for more than a few hours consult your physician immediately as there may be an underlying medical cause. Some essential oils may interact with certain medication. Please seek advice from your health care providers if you are uncertain about using any essential oils.

Amy Richards has Certification in Natural Holistic Essential Oils. If you have any questions please contact her below, she will be glad to assist you in learning how to properly use them in your home.