How to make a Vision Board 2020 (and why)

A Vision Board is a collection of images and inspiring words that represent your personal goals for the future. The main reason for doing this is to create a reminder of things you would like to accomplish. Without a reminder we tend to get stuck in a rut being pulled in different directions with our time and energy. A Vision Board gives a very clear picture of what you want to be doing and what you don’t want to be doing. I say, if it’s not on your board then why are you doing it?!

The board itself does not have to be a cut and paste activity, it can be a bulletin board or collage on your screensaver or phone. I have clients who like to see the collage on their phone since it’s something we consistently look at daily. I like mine inside a manila folder that I can open and close or take with me if I want to.

When creating your vision board you must be in a good mood and spend some time without distractions. Also, it is a good idea to keep your board private. You don’t need anyone else’s opinion about your life mission until you have solidified it for yourself. People have a funny way of feeling intimidated by your desire to take control of your goals and they have not (yet!).

It is extremely important to focus on what you want to happen. Our wants and desires are connected to our purpose.


Above is a template I often use, but you can design your own. Start by finding or printing a picture of yourself that YOU like and are proud of. For me this was challenging since I don’t like my picture taken. Then for the other categories find and print pictures or save screenshots that represent what you want in that section of your life. It may not be what is happening now but this is a future board.

If you have trouble focusing or are easily distracted I recommend diffusing some essential oils to help you have inspiring ideas. Just choose a scent that makes you feel good or brings a good memory to you. And it is a requirement to focus on yourself, some people have trouble doing this and I am giving you permission to make it about YOU.

You will be amazed at how fast things start happening when you put time into making a vision board. When I did the training section I realized essential oils was something I wanted to know more about and within four months I earned certification to help with my experience.

It’s your life.

  1. What do you want to do?

  2. What do want to have?

  3. Who do you want to spend time with?

If you did this last year, take a look at it again and modify your new goals. I was surprised at how much had changed for me in 2019, even though it was not a stellar year a lot did change. I’m driving a brand new truck, my horse lesson business is growing, my blog is growing and helping people, I feel good about what I’m doing, spent more time with family I hadn’t seen in years, learned home remedies (that actually work) and expanded into homeopathy which healed a half dozen people and horses, I studied music therapy and helped someone else heal several people.… and this all came about because I took a leap of faith and did this project.

If you are TOTALLY stuck I can help you with getting your vision board started. I used to think this stuff was “crazy” until I had nothing to lose and I tried it.

Contact us for more coaching needs, the vision board exercise has amazing benefits, however, it is step one of many. It is most helpful to get a customized plan specific to your needs (or wants!).