Welcome to Homeopathy...

Homeopathy is natural medicine that treats the whole individual as well as aiding in recovery and maintaining good health. It is a naturopathic form of medicine that assists the body’s own healing process taking into consideration that everyone has individual needs. Homeopathy offers a flexible and low dose cost effective remedy.

Minerals are critical for maintaining health and proper digestion. In homeopathy minerals are referred to as “cell salts”. I have personally found them very helpful for my family and animals. Cell salts do not have any known interactions and they strengthen the body in recovery.

Plants can be very powerful medicines in homeopathy. Used in very low doses they may aid in the recovery of many different ailments. If you are taking traditional medications be aware there can be interactions with certain plants.

Exercise, stretching and nature walks or sports are well established in enhancing health. If you are immunocompromised or have certain health conditions strenuous exercise may not be good for you and can actually weaken your body.

Nutrition and water provide energy for survival. This may seem very basic but water quality and food quality vary greatly in the marketplace from town to town. Wading through the maze of the good, the bad, and the ugly can be disappointing. Things are getting better due to shoppers demanding higher quality and less pesticides or learning gardening.

Removing toxins is an important part of good health. Unfortunately toxins are everywhere, in the air, in our food, on our clothes and furniture, in the water, cosmetics, plastics, the list goes on and on. These “toxins” are not tested before they get to market due to loopholes in the laws. I’m amazed at how just eliminating toxins brings people better health and feelings of wellbeing.

If you are interested in learning more, have questions, or would like to sign up for our Wellness Coaching Services or classes contact us below!

This post is not medical advice. If you have questions about this information please consult with your doctor or medical professional about your specific needs.