Do You Have Parasites?!


I recently decided to put myself through a parasite cleanse. I’ve been thinking about it for a while and the many years spent around horses, dogs, cats, and now chickens left me thinking I probably was infected with creepy crawlies (I know, gross). Even though I’ve been eating clean and using essential oils for years I still felt tired and achy most of the time. This is not a good state to be in when you have life stuff to do!

Some of my symptoms I suspected stemmed from parasites were:

  • fatigued easily

  • not sleeping well and getting worse

  • unexplained skin breakouts

  • intestinal discomfort after meals

  • achy joints and muscles all the time

Some other parasite symptoms can be:

  • grinding teeth

  • mood changes, irritability

  • itching

  • hungry after meals

  • anemia

  • anxiety

  • thyroid dysfunction

  • autoimmune disorders

  • and more according to some doctors

Some ways parasites can be contracted are:

  • contaminated drinking water or swimming in lakes ponds or creeks

  • unclean vegetables or undercooked meats

  • not washing hands after restroom use

  • taking care of animals

I’ll be honest this cleanse process was not a walk in the park. BUT I do feel better afterwards. My daily pain is reduced by 90% and I am sleeping much better. Also my clothes fit better! Some of the discomforts of my two week process were:

  • lots of belching

  • some nausea

  • extra bathroom trips

  • bad headaches

  • intestinal cramps

  • waking up at night

  • felt really tired most of the time

And pretty sure I passed (what appeared to be) at least two tapeworms and a few round worms…I am rather familiar with what they look like due to owning horses. Yes, I was disgusted…

The reason I am posting this personal experience is hopefully to help open your mind as to what may be causing all of the vague illnesses and pains that are so common these days. If a cleanse is something you think you might do please consult your health practitioners first. I am a fairly healthy person on no medications and have no diagnosed illnesses to speak of. Everyone is different.

Some steps you can take before considering any cleanse are:

Contact me if you have any questions about this topic. Do your own research, I did an herbal type cleanse and it worked well for me. Contact your doctor if it is something you might want to do. Most companies recommend only cleansing once per year because it can be hard on your body. This information is for educational purposes only and is not medical advice.

Amy D. Richardsparasites, vitamins