How to Heal Eczema Naturally

Many conditions can be successfully managed with natural remedies.

Many conditions can be successfully managed with natural remedies.

What is Eczema? Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition characterized by itching, redness. scaly skin, peeling, or rashes which can lead to intestinal problems.

Are there specific causes of Eczema? There can be many causes of eczema such as allergies to foods, cosmetics, environmental factors or even stress.

How do I manage my Eczema?

Essential oils used properly can help manage health challenges.

Essential oils used properly can help manage health challenges.

Everyone wants to have clear skin. It is an outward sign of good health and vitality. Nothing ruins your morning like a flare up, it affects your self esteem and taints any social gathering or workplace project that day!

  • In order to manage any condition you must first assess the cause, and then reduce or eliminate those causes. Food allergies, clothing materials or treatments, chemical cleaners, home materials treatments, and chronic stress could all be factors in causing eczema.

  • Once you detect potential causes you can address any changes that need to further be made in order for your body to heal. Exchange bad choices for better options, one week at a time. Read label ingredients.

  • Add natural supplements and skin treatments to your routine. There are ointments made from natural sources, and essential oils can be very beneficial for alleviating symptoms along with mineral and herbal supplementation. Zinc or Copper imbalances play a role in skin health, along with Omega 3’s for example. German Chamomile essential oil can be helpful or Tea Tree oil diluted properly.

  • Keep a journal of the meals you eat, clothes you wear, cleaners you use, and people you are with or activities you participated. This journaling process can help identify eczema triggers.

Homeopathic eczema remedy

Homeopathic eczema remedy

If you need help managing eczema or another condition in a natural way or would like customized support contact me below to set up a free 15 minute consultation by phone or email.


This is not medical advice. As always consult your health care practitioner or medical professional if you are on certain medications or have questions about using natural products. Some medications can cause overreactions to supplements or topicals.