How to Choose an Essential Oil Brand?!

It took me a while to experiment and find my favorite essential oils. Unfortunately not all oils are from nature, some are actually synthetic. You heard that right, fake. So how do you the potential oil user figure out which is which? I’m going to tell you my criteria and then you can know.

The first issue for me years ago was where do I buy them? Nowadays oils seem to be everywhere! There are large club-like companies who sell them, health food and vitamin supplement shops, grocery stores, drug stores, cosmetic stores, even big box stores! It is so confusing! You NEED them to be safe and you need them to be from nature.

  1. Are they affordable? The prices can range significantly and some oils companies simply were not in my budget. The price should vary however, since different plants may be more costly. If they are very inexpensive or very expensive you should be wary.

  2. Are they “natural’ or pure? This is very tricky since the laws do not require certain labeling, it’s pretty much the wild west when it comes to “natural”.

  3. How long has the company been in business? If it’s brand new you should ask a lot of questions!

  4. Are they available? Some oils are not available due to weather, farming, or other factors. That's just the way it is, so if a company says something is always available it is either a common plant or it may be mixed with some other substance.

  5. Is the company transparent? Meaning do they provide you with information on the label or their website or preferably both? The entire scientific name should be on the bottle. Example: If the bottle just says” Lavender” that is concerning since there is more than one variety. Good companies will provide you with testing information and farm source also, you may have to look for it but it should be on the website or at least sent in an email if you ask for it.

  6. Does the company provide educational information such as proper uses, dilution rates and safety? Do they sell pre-blended products to get me started?

  7. Does the company state any health risks or medicine interactions? (You should always consult your doctor before using any product.) There are risks for certain people and pets for certain oils. Consult your doctor and a qualified aromatherapist.

  8. Do the oils smell like the actual plant? Your nose knows. Do you know what an actual rose smells like? Or a real peppermint leaf? Go smell the garden and you won’t be fooled easily! Fake oils give me headaches and to me they smell like a cheap candle shop…sorry!

I encourage you to just try them and as time goes by you will develop your own knowledge. Rocky Mountain Oils is my personal choice, and they offer a 90 day no hassle return policy but if you want my advice on other brands please contact me below and I will help you as best I can. There are a few companies making good oils and I hope more will adopt high standards.