Benefits of using an Essential Oil Diffuser for aromatherapy

Aromatherapy or essential oil therapy is using the scent of aromatic plant extracts also known as “essential oils” from flowers, herbs, trees or roots to improve mind, body or spirit.

Some skeptics try to label aromatherapy as pseudoscience, but I have personally seen undeniable miraculous changes in people (and pets) I know, instantly. Just try it!

Entire books have been written about essential oils, other texts mention their uses including the Bible and many ancient civilizations and healers.

A few essential oil diffusing benefits:


How to use a Diffuser

Step 1 Add water to fill line

Step 2 Choose your oils, add a few drops

Step 3 Put the top and cover on

Step 4 Plug in and press “on” button or timer

Types of diffusion include ultrasonic humidifiers like the one above which I like best since the oils are not full strength, heat diffusers that usually have a candle to emit warmth below the oil tray, or simple evaporation such as putting a drop on a sachet or diffuser necklace. You can easily purchase diffusers from various places online.

Low quality and high quality essential oils can be found in the marketplace and are gaining popularity. It is extremely important to purchase pure quality oils which are not necessarily expensive although some are costly depending on the plant they come from. Do not pay money for synthetic or adulterated oils, this defeats the purpose of good health. Fake fragrances actually cause disease of the brain and/or blood, not to mention they cause headaches, confusion and overall systemic disruption!

I used to make my own essential oils, but that work is time consuming and you need to have each plant fresh on hand in season. After years of research, brand experimentation and an independent certification course I chose Rocky Mountain Oils as my go-to option due to transparency and testing.

If you need help choosing essential oils for a specific use send a message for recommendations. As always, consult your health care providers if you are unsure about any medication interactions or health concerns for you or your pets. This article is for educational purposes and not meant to treat any medical condition.